(va-jy�ner) passageway for infant
birth and reception of the male penis
during the sexual act.
Body system
terms : Reproductive system
membranous fold in a vessel which prevents
the backward flow of blood.
Body system
terms : Blood, and the circulatory system
varicose veins surrounding a testis.
Diseases &
procedures : Diseases
varicose veins
(va'ri-kose) enlarged and twisted veins just beneath the skin. Varicose
veins occur most often in the legs but can also occur in the
anus (haemorrhoids), oesophagus (oesophageal varices) and
scrotum (varicocele).
Diseases &
procedures : Diseases
vas deferens
(vas def�er-ens) part of the
spermatic cord running from the testis
to the seminal vesicle; also
called the deferent duct.
Body system
terms : Reproductive system
(vas�kyoo-lar) pertaining to vessels.
Body system
terms : Blood, and the circulatory system
(vas-ekt'oh-mee) operation for male
sterilisation where the vas deferens
are cut, tied off and secured well apart.
Diseases &
procedures : Procedures
vessel which carries blood towards the
Body system
terms : Blood, and the circulatory system
vena cava
(vee�ner kay�ver) either of the two
large veins, inferior and superior,
which return venous blood to the right
atrium of the heart;
plural: venae cavae.
Body system
terms : Blood, and the circulatory system
(ven-og'raf-ee) a diagnostic method of
examining the inside of veins using
x-rays and an opaque solution injected into the veins.
Diseases &
procedures : Procedures
(vee�nus) (relating to) veins.
General terms :
Root words
(ven'trul) toward or relating to the
front surface of (any point of reference); also called anterior.
General terms :
Views of the body
(ven�trik-ul) a cardiac ventricle is
one of the two (right and left) lower chambers of the heart.
Body system
terms : Blood, and the circulatory system
(ven'tri-kuls) cerebral ventricles are
four irregular shaped cavities within the
brain containing cerebrospinal
Body system
terms : Nervous system
(ven'yool) small
Body system
terms : Blood, and the circulatory system
(vurt-ub-ray') 33 irregularly-shaped
bones that make up the spinal column or
vertebral column.
Body system
terms : Musculoskeletal system
vertebral column
(vurt'ub-rul) spinal column, made up of
33 bones: 7 cervical vertebrae, 12
thoracic vertebrae, 5 lumbar vertebrae, 5 fused to make the
sacrum and 4 fused to make the coccyx.
Body system
terms : Musculoskeletal system
(ves�ti-byool) a body cavity leading
to another body cavity.
Body system
terms : Reproductive system
(ves�tee-byool) the central cavity of
the inner ear.
Body system
terms : The ears
(vy'ah-bul) capable of living in the
environment outside the mother�s body.
Body system
terms : Reproductive system
(vis-er-) (to do with an) internal
General terms :
Root words
(viss�er-ah) internal organs within
the chest, abdominal and pelvic cavities.
Body system
terms : Endocrine system
vitreous humour
(vit�ree-uss) transparent jelly-like
substance which fills the vitreous body at the rear of the eye.
Body system
terms : The eyes
vocal cords
(voh�kul) folds of mucous membrane which vibrate to
produce voice.
Body system
terms : Respiratory system
voluntary muscle
muscle under control of the conscious
will; see also involuntary muscle.
Body system
terms : Musculoskeletal system
(vul�ver) external genitalia of the
female; includes the clitoris and
Body system
terms : Reproductive system