labia majora
(lay�bee-a ma-jo�ra) two outer
borders of raised, fleshy tissue extending from the mons pubis down past the vaginal
Body system
terms : Reproductive system
labia minora
(lay�bee-a mi-no�ra) two inner
borders of tissue between the labia majora
and the vaginal opening.
Body system
terms : Reproductive system
lacrimal ducts and glands
(lak�ri-mul) system of ducts and
glands which secretes and conducts tears.
Body system
terms : The eyes
lacrimal sac
(lak�ri-mul) small sac on the side of
the nose, opening into the
nasolacrimal duct
; sucks tears in from the canaliculus
and drains them down the
nasolacrimal duct.
Body system
terms : The eyes
lacrimal system
(lak�ri-mul) parts of the eye that
secrete and discharge tears.
Body system
terms : The eyes
lactiferous ducts
(lak-tif'er-uss) passages which convey
milk from the breast .
Body system
terms : Reproductive system
(lap-ar-os'kop-ee) examination of the
interior of the abdomen using a
laparoscope, which is a type of endoscope.
Diseases &
procedures : Procedures
(lap-ar-ot'oh-mee) any operation in
which the abdomen is opened either
for diagnostic purposes or for surgical treatment.
Diseases &
procedures : Procedures
large intestine
see intestine, large
Body system
terms : Digestive system
(la-rin-jy'tis) inflammation of the
voice box (larynx).
Diseases &
procedures : Diseases
(lar�inks) the organ of voice.
Body system
terms : Respiratory system
(lat�er-al) to the side.
General terms :
Views of the body
lateral rectus
(rek'tus) muscle of the eye which works
together with other eye muscles to move the eye in horizontal
and vertical gaze.
Body system
terms : The eyes
(lenz) biconvex, transparent elastic
body which lies behind the iris and
in front of the vitreous cavity; changes shape to focus light on
the retina; full name crystalline lens.
Body system
terms : The eyes
lesser trochanter
(troh-kant'er) small bony prominence on
the inner side of the upper end of the femur
Body system
terms : Musculoskeletal system
leuc-, leuk-
(luke-) white e.g. leucocytes =
white blood cells.
General terms :
(loo'koh-sites) white blood cells whose
main function is to fight infection; see also erythrocytes.
Body system
terms : Blood, and the circulatory system
(lig�a-munt) band of fibrous tissue
connecting two bones at a joint.
Body system
terms : Musculoskeletal system
(lip-) fat e.g. lipaemia = presence
of abnormal amounts of fat in the blood.
General terms :
upper and lower margins of the mouth; each
composed of a layer of skin and mucous
membrane, between which lies a considerable amount of
fat and muscle fibres.
Body system
terms : Digestive system
(lith-) (to do with a) stone.
General terms :
Root words
(liv�er) large organ located in the
upper right portion of the abdominal cavity; produces bile for fat digestion and plays other
important roles in digestion.
Body system
terms : Digestive system
divisions of the
cerebrum, called frontal, occipital, parietal and
temporal lobes.
Body system
terms : Nervous system
(lob'yool) earlobe - the small mass of
fatty tissue at the base of the outer ear
Body system
terms : The ears
(loh-koh-moh�shun) act of moving from
one place to another.
Body system
terms : Musculoskeletal system
long saphenous (anterior) vein
vein in the leg extending from the
dorsum of the foot to just below the inguinal ligament.
Body system
terms : Blood, and the circulatory system
(lum-bar-) (to do with the) loin.
General terms :
Root words
lumbar nerves
(lum'bur) five pairs of nerves leaving the
vertebral column at the associated lumbar vertebrae.
Body system
terms : Nervous system
lumbar puncture
(lum'ber punk'cher) method of obtaining
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) for diagnostic purposes by inserting a
needle between two vertebrae at the
base of the spine.
Diseases &
procedures : Procedures
lumbar vertebrae
(lum'bur vur'tub-ray) five bones of the
vertebral column, between the
thoracic vertebrae and the sacrum.
Body system
terms : Musculoskeletal system
major organ of respiration; consists of
spongy, porous, elastic tissue.
Body system
terms : Respiratory system
(limf) pale fluid consisting mainly
of plasma and
white blood cells.
Body system
terms : Blood, and the circulatory system
lymph circulatory system
(limf) a one-way drainage system which
assists in distributing nutrients to cells and returns waste
fluids from tissues to the bloodstream.
Body system
terms : Blood, and the circulatory system
lymph nodes
(limf nohdz) small bodies of lymphoid
tissue arranged in chains to filter lymph
and provide an immune response.
Body system
terms : Blood, and the circulatory system
lymph system
(limf) a one-way drainage system
which assists in distributing nutrients to cells and returning
waste fluids from tissues to the bloodstream.
Body system
terms : Endocrine system
lymph vessels
(limf) network of channels throughout
the body which return tissue fluids to the blood via the
subclavian veins.
Body system
terms : Blood, and the circulatory system
lymphatic system
(limf-at'ik) a one-way drainage system
which assists in distributing nutrients to cells and returns
waste fluids from tissues to the bloodstream.
Body system
terms : Digestive system
(lim-fat'iks) lymph vessels.
Body system
terms : Blood, and the circulatory system
(lim�fo-site) a particular type of
white blood cell which is formed in
the reticular (net-like) tissue of lymph
Body system
terms : Blood, and the circulatory system
(-li-sis) decomposition, destruction
e.g. haemolysis = breaking down of red blood cells.
General terms :