macular lutea
(mak'yoo-lah loo'tee-er) the yellow
spot in the retina of the eye.
Body system
terms : The eyes
(-mal-ay-see-ah) softening e.g.
osteomalacia = softening of the bones.
General terms :
(mal�ee-uss) one of the three auditory ossicles; hammer-shaped.
Body system
terms : The ears
mammary glands
(mam�er-ee) breasts.
Body system
terms : Reproductive system
(man'dib-ul) the lower jawbone which
bears the lower teeth - only bone in the skull which can move
Body system
terms : Musculoskeletal system
(mas-ti-kay�shun) the act of chewing.
Body system
terms : Digestive system
(maks-ill'er) bone of the upper jaw.
Body system
terms : Digestive system
(maks-ill'er) the upper jawbone which
bears the upper teeth.
Body system
terms : Musculoskeletal system
(me-ay�tus) external opening of the
Body system
terms : Urinary system
(mee�di-ul) near the midline.
General terms :
Views of the body
medial rectus
(rek'tus) muscle of the eye which works
together with other eye muscles to move the eye in horizontal
and vertical gaze.
Body system
terms : The eyes
(mee�di-an) situated or placed in the
midline of the body or in the middle path of the body, e.g.
median nerve.
General terms :
Views of the body
medulla oblongata
(me-dul�lah ob-lon-gar�tar) an area
of the brain which shares concern for
respiratory function with the pons.
Body system
terms : Respiratory system
medullary canal
(med�ul-lar-ee) hollow in the centre
of a long bone; contains bone marrow.
Body system
terms : Musculoskeletal system
(-meg-a-li) enlargement e.g.
hepatomegaly = enlargement of the liver.
General terms :
(men-inj-) (to do with a) membrane.
General terms :
Root words
(min-in�jeez) three membranes which
cover and protect the brain and spinal cord: the innermost membrane is
the pia mater (pee'ar mar�ter); the middle membrane is the
arachnoid mater (a-rak�noid mar�ter); the outermost membrane is
the dura mater (dyoo�rah mar�ter).
Body system
terms : Nervous system
(men-in-jy'tis) inflammation of the
Diseases &
procedures : Diseases
(meni-sekt'oh-mee) removal, either
total or partial, of the meniscus (cartilage
) in a joint � most commonly
the knee.
Diseases &
procedures : Procedures
(men-oh-ray'jia) excessive loss of
blood during menstruation.
Diseases &
procedures : Diseases
menstrual cycle
(men�stroo-al) rhythmic hormonal
activity which prepares the female reproductive organs for
fertilization of the ovum; if
fertilization does not occur, hormones
are withdrawn causing the
endometrium to be shed.
Body system
terms : Reproductive system
(men-stroo-ay�shun) normal uterine
bleeding which usually occurs monthly as the endometrium is shed by the non-pregnant
Body system
terms : Reproductive system
(men-stroo-ay�shun) cyclic shedding
of the lining of the uterus.
Body system
terms : Endocrine system
(met-ab�oh-lizm) the physical and
chemical processes by which ingested food and fluids are
converted to energy or body tissues.
Body system
terms : Endocrine system
(met'a-kar'puls) five long bones making
up the palm of the hand, which extend from the carpal bones of the wrist to the phalanges of the fingers.
Body system
terms : Musculoskeletal system
(me-taf'i-sis) the actively growing
part of the diaphysis.
Body system
terms : Musculoskeletal system
(met'a-tar'suls) five bones of the
foot, extending from the tarsal bones
at the ankle to the phalanges of the
Body system
terms : Musculoskeletal system
(mik-tyoo-rish�un) act of urinating.
Body system
terms : Urinary system
the small portion of the brainstem, excluding the pons and the
medulla, that joins the forebrain to the hindbrain.
Body system
terms : Nervous system
middle ear
extends from the
tympanic membrane to the oval
window; contains auditory
Body system
terms : The ears
mitral valve
(my�tral) two-leafed heart valve between the left atrium and
ventricle of the heart;
closure prevents reflux of blood into the left atrium. Also called the bicuspid valve or left atrioventricular valve.
Body system
terms : Blood, and the circulatory system
mons pubis
(monz pu�bis) rounded mound of tissue
covering the pubic bone.
Body system
terms : Reproductive system
motor nerve
a nerve which
conducts away from a centre (an efferent nerve) and causes
contraction of a muscle or secretion.
Body system
terms : Nervous system
the opening of the
alimentary canal containing the tongue and the teeth.
Body system
terms : Digestive system
mucous membranes.
Body system
terms : Endocrine system
mucous membrane
(myoo�kus) thin layer of smooth
tissue which lines many cavities and has special ability to
secrete a slimy fluid called mucous.
Body system
terms : Respiratory system
multiple sclerosis
(sklur-oh'sis) an inflammatory disorder
of the central nervous system (CNS),
specifically damaging myelin.
Diseases &
procedures : Diseases
(mus'sul) tissue composed of fibres
which have the ability to contract or shorten.
Body system
terms : Musculoskeletal system
musculoskeletal system
(mus-kyoo-lo-skel�ee-tal) the
structures which function to support the body, protect internal
organs, and allow locomotion.
Body system
terms : Musculoskeletal system
(my-) (to do with a) muscle.
General terms :
Root words
(my-el-) (to do with) marrow.
General terms :
Root words
myocardial infarction
(my-oh-car'dee-al in-fark'shun) sudden
death of part of part of the heart muscle due to a blockage in
the blood supply to the heart. More
commonly known as a �heart attack�.
Diseases &
procedures : Diseases
(my'oh-kar'dee-um) middle layer of the
three layers of the heart, composed
of cardiac muscle which is only found in the heart; see also
endocardium and
Body system
terms : Blood, and the circulatory system
(mi-ring-ot'oh-mee) cutting of the ear
drum to release trapped fluid.
Diseases &
procedures : Procedures