(see�kum) first portion of the large intestine; the ileum joins the
caecum at a right angle, and the
appendix is attached to the
Body system
terms : Digestive system
calcaneal tendon
Achilles tendon.
Body system
terms : Musculoskeletal system
(kal-kay'nee-uss) heel bone.
Body system
terms : Musculoskeletal system
(kal�see-um) an element which occurs
naturally in all body tissues and fluids, for example in bones,
teeth and blood.
Body system
terms : Endocrine system
see inferior
and superior canaliculus.
Body system
terms : The eyes
cancellous bone
(kan-sel�us, kan�se-lus) spongy,
lightweight, porous bone.
Body system
terms : Musculoskeletal system
(kan'thus) see
inner and outer canthus.
Body system
terms : The eyes
carbon dioxide
(often said as: see-oh-two)
odourless, colourless gas produced in tissue cells as a
by-product of metabolism;
CO2 is excreted by the lungs
Body system
terms : Respiratory system
(card-ee-) (to do with the) heart.
General terms :
Root words
cardiac muscle
involuntary muscle found exclusively
in the heart.
Body system
terms : Musculoskeletal system
cardiac vein
(kar'dee-ak) part of the great cardiac
vein which lies in the coronary sulcus and returns blood to the
right atrium via the coronary sinus.
Body system
terms : Blood, and the circulatory system
(ka-ree'nah) lowest part of the
tracheal cartilage which forms a
ridge between the openings of the right and left principal bronchi.
Body system
terms : Respiratory system
carotid arteries
arteries (common, external and
internal) which provide the major blood supply to the head
and neck.
Body system
terms : Blood, and the circulatory system
carotid arteriogram
(kar-ot'id ar-teer'ee-oh-gram) a
diagnostic method of examining the blood vessels of the brain using opaque dye and x-rays.
Diseases &
procedures : Procedures
carpal bones
(kar'pul) eight small bones that form
the wrist.
Body system
terms : Musculoskeletal system
(kar�til-aj) tough connective tissue
which serves as protection between bones; it may also serve as
attachment or support.
Body system
terms : Musculoskeletal system
cartilaginous joint
(kar-til-aj'in-us) a joint allowing a limited degree of
movement; also known as an amphiarthrosis
Body system
terms : Musculoskeletal system
loss of transparency of the crystalline lens of the eye due to
changes in its delicate protein fibres.
Diseases &
procedures : Diseases
(-seel) tumour, swelling e.g.
cystocele = hernia of urinary bladder through vaginal wall.
General terms :
(sel-yoo-ly'tis) a bacterial infection
of the skin and the tissues beneath it; the affected area is
hot, tender and red.
Diseases &
procedures : Diseases
(-sen-tee-sis) perforation, tapping
e.g. paracentesis = puncture of a body cavity.
General terms :
central nervous system
the brain and
spinal cord; often abbreviated to
Body system
terms : Nervous system
(sef-al-) (to do with the) head.
General terms :
Root words
(ser-ee-bel'um) part of the hindbrain,
consisting of a median lobe and two lateral lobes.
Body system
terms : Nervous system
(se-ri-br-) (to do with the) brain;
adjective: cerebral.
General terms :
Root words
cerebral palsy
(se'ri-brul pol'zee) disorder of
posture and movement resulting from damage to a child�s
developing brain, before, during or
immediately after birth.
Diseases &
procedures : Diseases
cerebrospinal fluid
(ser-ib-ro-spy�nal) watery fluid which
surrounds the brain and spinal cord to cushion and protect
these vital organs; often abbreviated to CSF.
Body system
terms : Nervous system
cerebrovascular accident
(se'ri-broh-vas'kyoo-lar) sudden
rupture or blockage of a blood vessel in the brain, causing serious bleeding and/or
local obstruction to blood circulation and leading to a stroke.
Diseases &
procedures : Diseases
(se'ri-brum) the main portion of the
brain, comprised of two hemispheres,
consisting mainly of nerve cell
Body system
terms : Nervous system
(si-roo'men) wax secreted into the
external auditory canal of the ear;
helps to protect the tympanic membrane
from foreign matter.
Body system
terms : The ears
(sur-vik-) (to do with the) neck;
adjective: cervical.
General terms :
Root words
cervical nerves
(sur'vik-ul) eight pairs of spinal
nerves leaving the vertebral column at the associated
cervical vertebrae.
Body system
terms : Nervous system
cervical os
(ser�vik-ul os) opening in the cervix (lower end) of the uterus.
Body system
terms : Reproductive system
cervical vertebrae
(sur'vik-ul vur'tub-ray) the seven
bones of the neck; closest vertebrae
to the skull.
Body system
terms : Musculoskeletal system
(ser'viks) the neck of the womb or
Body system
terms : Reproductive system
cheil-, chil-
(kyl-) (to do with a) lip.
General terms :
Root words
cheir-, chir-
(kyr-) (to do with a) hand.
General terms :
Root words
the process by which the foetus and products of conception are
passed from the mother's body.
Body system
terms : Reproductive system
(kol-) (to do with) bile.
General terms :
Root words
(koli-sis-tekt'oh-mee) surgical removal
of the gall bladder.
Diseases &
procedures : Procedures
(kol-i-sis-ty'tis) inflammation of the
gall bladder.
Diseases &
procedures : Diseases
(kol-i-lith-ee'er-sis) formation of
stones (calculus) in the gall bladder
Diseases &
procedures : Diseases
(kondr-) (to do with) cartilage.
General terms :
Root words
(kon-dry'tis) inflammation of cartilage.
Diseases &
procedures : Diseases
(ko'royd) the middle coat of the eye,
lining the majority of the inner surface of the sclera.
Body system
terms : The eyes
(kime) semiliquid material resulting
from action of digestive juices on food in the stomach.
Body system
terms : Digestive system
ciliary body
(sil'yar-ee) ring of tissue extending
from the sclera, lined by cells that
secrete aqueous humour.
Body system
terms : The eyes
ciliary muscles
(sil'yar-ee) muscles which change the
shape of the lens by contracting and
relaxing, to focus light rays on the retina
Body system
terms : The eyes
(to do with) movement around a circular
Body system
terms : Blood, and the circulatory system
(sur-cum-si'zhun) surgical removal of
the foreskin.
Diseases &
procedures : Procedures
(sur�kum-duk�shun) active or passive
circular movement of a limb (or of the eye).
General terms :
Movements of the body
(klor-di-kay'shun) a cramp-like pain in
a muscle, most often in the legs, due to inadequate blood
supply. In intermittent claudication, pain is felt in the calves
after walking a certain distance and is relieved by rest.
Diseases &
procedures : Diseases
(klav'ee-kul) collar bone; articulates
with the sternum and scapula.
Body system
terms : Musculoskeletal system
(klit�or-iss) erectile organ of
sexual stimulation in the female.
Body system
terms : Reproductive system
co-, con-
together, with e.g. congenital = born
General terms :
(kok'siks) lower end of the spinal
column, consisting of four fused vertebral bones.
Body system
terms : Musculoskeletal system
(kok�lee-ar) a spiral tube of the
inner ear, resembling a snail's
shell, which contains the organ of Corti
and is the essential organ of hearing.
Body system
terms : The ears
cochlear nerve
(kok�lee-ar) that part of the eighth
cranial nerve which is concerned with
Body system
terms : The ears
(koh�lon) second portion of the large intestine which is subdivided
into four sections: ascending colon,
transverse colon, descending colon and sigmoid colon.
Body system
terms : Digestive system
(kol-ost'oh-mee) surgical procedure in
which an opening is created in the abdominal wall, to which the
colon is brought up and attached to
act as an artificial anus.
Diseases &
procedures : Procedures
(col-pos'kop-ee) visual inspection of
the cervix and
vagina using a magnifying instrument called a
Diseases &
procedures : Procedures
common iliac artery
artery that carries the major blood
supply to each leg; splits into the internal
and external iliac arteries.
Body system
terms : Blood, and the circulatory system
compact bone
(kom-pakt) hard, dense, less porous
Body system
terms : Musculoskeletal system
condyloid joints
joints that allow movement around two
axes, i.e. flexion, extension,
abduction, adduction and
Body system
terms : Musculoskeletal system
mucous membrane which lines the eyelids and covers the exposed surface
of the sclera.
Body system
terms : The eyes
(kon-junk-ti-vy'tis) inflammation of
the conjunctiva causing redness,
discomfort and discharge from the affected eye.
Diseases &
procedures : Diseases
(con-tra-) against, opposite e.g.
contraction = shortening, pulling together.
General terms :
(kon-voh-loo'ted) tortuously
structured with multiple folds.
Body system
terms : Digestive system
(kor�nee-ah) transparent frontal
layer of the eye.
Body system
terms : The eyes
coronary artery
(kor'on-er-ee) one of the arteries encircling the heart, which arise from the aorta and deliver blood to the muscle
of the heart.
Body system
terms : Blood, and the circulatory system
(kost-) (to do with a) rib.
General terms :
Root words
(krayn--) (to do with the) skull;
adjective: cranial.
General terms :
Root words
cranial nerves
(kray�nee-ul) the 12 pairs of nerves originating from the brain.
Body system
terms : Nervous system
(cray-nee-ot'oh-mee) surgical opening
of the skull.
Diseases &
procedures : Procedures
(kray�nee-um) skull bones which
protect the brain.
Body system
terms : Musculoskeletal system
cruciate ligaments
(croo'see-ayt) two strong ligaments crossing one another in the
shape of the letter X in the interior of the kneejoint.
Body system
terms : Musculoskeletal system
crystalline lens
(kris�tal-lin) the lens of the eye.
Body system
terms : The eyes
Cushing�s disease
a hormone
disorder caused by an abnormally high level of corticosteroid
hormones in the blood.
Diseases &
procedures : Diseases
(kew-tay'nee-uss) to do with the skin.
Body system
terms : Skin and subcutaneous tissue
(sist-) (to do with a) bladder or sac.
General terms :
Root words
(sis-tek-toh-me) surgical removal of
the bladder.
Diseases &
procedures : Procedures
cystic duct
(sis'tik) the tube that links the gall bladder to the hepatic duct to form the common bile duct.
Body system
terms : Digestive system
(sis-ty'tis) inflammation of the
urinary bladder caused by infection.
Diseases &
procedures : Diseases
(sis'toh-seel) herniation of the bladder into the
Diseases &
procedures : Diseases
(sis-tos'kop-ee) the examination of the
urethra and
bladder using a cystoscope which is inserted up the
Diseases &
procedures : Procedures
(site-) (to do with a) cell.
General terms :
Root words